
Sunday, August 16, 2015

More tea than water: a lazy Sunday

Today we went to church and haven't  done much else. I have laid in bed drinking tea and watching old movies. I did play with the new app Periscope while making a cup of tea. That is a really cool app! If you do not know about it, you film yourself in real time and people can talk to you through text. I have watched a celebrity do a chat with his fans also. Very neat.
I am still trying to make my way through the book Bloodlite but I find myself scrolling through Instagram, Facebook and Bloglovin' I really need to get on the ball though, I think I am around 6 books behind in my Goodreads yearly challenge. Good grief, I even find myself on Goodreads instead of reading lately. It sounds like I need to unplug and read.
Hope you have had a great Sunday. What are you putting off by reading through my Blog?

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