
Monday, December 15, 2008

A little random

This evening I was on the phone chatting with my mom who had ran into a guy I had went to high school with when she remembered that my cousin had given her, her family's blog address. It was so cool to see pictures of the family get-together and see how much their kids had grown. I love that!
Yesterday I made youtube. I was test driving Tims mini buggy so that he could hear it run, as I told him I thought it was "missing" ( was kinda right, there was something wrong with the muffler)

1 comment:

eduka2b said...

Ashley! I was so excited to see your comment on my blog! I followed it and found your fun blog.

I'm in desperate need of some pictures of your family for Grandma Walls's calendar for Christams. I need one of your mom too if you have it!

Could you e-mail them to me @

Thanks so much!