
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being 11 is hard.

This is Bailey's 11th birthday today. We got up and she got ready for school, we checked out the puppies to see if any of them have opened their eyes(she is hoping they open them on her birthday! One has this afternoon!) I sang happy birthday to her, then we went into the kitchen so that I could make coffee. She wanted to get the water so I gave her the pot to fill from the water cooler while I got the filter ready. She had the pot almost full when it slipped from her hand. It hit the tile and shattered into a million pieces. She was fine except for a broken heart. She felt horrible! The tears welled even though I told her it was fine, dad told her it was fine. I even pulled out the old pot from our maker that went out right before Christmas, it was fine! But, it wasn't. I know that feeling well,I hate that feeling, so my kid left for school crying I was crying because her heart was broken and I couldn't fix it. My poor baby. 11 is hard.

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