
Friday, August 28, 2009

18 of 52

I just read If there be Dragons by Kay Hooper. Have you ever read a book and felt like the book was one long metafore that you just didn't get? That was this book for me. It was the story of Thor, Pepper and most of all Cody and Brooke. There was a wolf and and a burro and dragons and no real story, I was lost. I did not enjoy this book at all. In fact it took me around 7 hours to get through the last 4 pages. It was so bad I could even bring myself to plow through them, so glad its over.
My next book will be To Kill A Mockingbird. Somehow I always got that English teacher who assumed we had all read it before and we would watch the movie. I clearly remember watching the movie in 3 classes and think it could have been more but sadly I've never read it.


eduka2b said...

To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES!!!! SUCH A GOOD BOOK! I am one of those people that once I read a book I don't revisit it. However, there are a few exceptions to my rule, and this is one of them!!!!! LOVE IT!

Ashley said...

Mary I agree with you! Loved it so much I tracked down a copy of the movie and watched it too and compared what was different!
I also agree with you on not rereading a book, I have a hard time doing it also because I remember it. Its funny the ones I would reread are the stuff you have to read for highschool english, Rebecca, A Bell Jar and I think I'd add To Kill a Mockingbird now.