
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

30 of 52

I finished The Collection by Bentley Little this moring while waiting on Bailey to get dressed. This was very much Bentley Little, easy to read, dark, scary. I realize when I read Bently Little, older Stephen King and older Dean Koontz I could be a writer. These books are so much like my dreams at night sometimes its creepy in and of its self. I have read that thats how King used to write, his dreams. I know Bentley Little does because the introduction of at least one of the stories in The Colllection tell about this being started by a dream. I will read more of Bentley Little, I'm sure.
The Collection is just that, a collection of short stories that have been published in horror magazines and some stuff that hasn't. Each with an intro by the author. Some were gross so were very creepy. The two that I think were the best(If I had to pick) were:Blood and The Murmurous Haunt of Flies. Two very nightmare like tales.
Now I am reading Pug Hill by Alison Pace, I needed something light and Chick Lit after all the dark stuff! So far so good!

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